do you see that which you do not touch?
this is my blog. welcome to my blog. here, i am anonymous and free. much to the likes of many people in society, you may snoop freely upon my daily entries of what goes on in my life. i offer no one else this security.
i will offer no comments or suggestion. good day and farewell.
a minor introduction
someone sees you on the street. they don't know who you are - they only know that which you present yourself. similar styles and subtexts can knit two strangers together, but you know what really matters in the end? connection. true and unbridled intimacy. can you make it past the cusp?
i promised myself i would blog this year, so i have made this... an insight to my adventures, my plights, and the deepest corners of my mind. i learned to code for this, so i hope it isn't a bust.